
Bonjour ♥

hello readers , my name is eddieyla . live at pekan pahang . 22 years old :) okeyy still young right ? hahahaha :P falling in love with anythings that in pink . after you read my post hope you will follow my simple blog :) Anyeongg ! :D

Credits ♥

Template and skins : Nor 'Adila
Background and Photo : We♥it

i will lost my new friends
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | 05:58 | 0 hearts♥
halooo guys. cowi r cz dah lame xpost. ak bz sket cz ak ade klas. klas??? klas pe yg ak maksudkan ni? haaa. mesti korang t'tanye2 ak join klas pe. hahahaha. relax r. ak join kursus yg myb blh bantu ak dpt kje. ak dpt kenal ngan ramai kwn. tp yg cdeynye ade 7org dari klas ak kne buang cz diorang baru je abeh stdy. yg ak geramnye pihak kursus tu xde plak ckp pasal benda tu. klas start dh dekat 2minggu baru sekarang diorang bgtau. x ke naye kwn2 ak tu. walaupun baru kenal ngan diorang, tp ak ttp rs kehilangan. cdey sgt bile ak dpt berita ni. kalau blh, ak nk diorang ade join ak & kwn2 yg lain tu sampai kursus ni abeh.
