
Bonjour ♥

hello readers , my name is eddieyla . live at pekan pahang . 22 years old :) okeyy still young right ? hahahaha :P falling in love with anythings that in pink . after you read my post hope you will follow my simple blog :) Anyeongg ! :D

Credits ♥

Template and skins : Nor 'Adila
Background and Photo : We♥it

miss him...!!!
Monday, December 5, 2011 | 05:10 | 0 hearts♥
act ak nk story smthnig kt korg. miss him?  sp him 2? jeng jeng jeng. xpe2. ak bgtau korg k sp him 2. act ak miss kt xbf ak. ktorg bru pts. ak pn xtau np ak miss die sgt2 pdhl die yg wt hal smpai ktorg pts. msuk kali ni dh msuk 4x ktorg pts n kali ni ak nekad tok ptus. korg nk tau np? sbb ak dh muak n bowink ngn prangai die. act dlm ms ktorg couple, ktorg slalu gduh. die ni xp'cykn ak. die slalu tduh ak ni ad jntn lain. ak ni pling pntg org tduh ak cz ak xwt bnd 2. kang ak wt btul2 bru tau. ps2 die sk m'carut kt ak. die ckp ak sial r, bdoh r n mcm2 ag. ak xsk laki cm2. die ingat ak ni pe? binatang ke smpai die sggup ckp ak cm2. hmm. k r. ak rs 2 je kot yg ak dpt share ngn korg skg ni. bubye.
